IC Individual Course

Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo


Descrição do curso

Esses cursos foram pensados para todos aqueles que querem aproveitar ao máximo os breves períodos de tempo à disposição desenvolvendo um programa personalizado em base às exigências específicas de trabalho, pessoais ou de estudo como, por exemplo, a preparação para a prova CILS, PLIDA ou para uma prova universitária de italiano.

Depois de um cuidadoso teste de avaliação do conhecimento inicial da língua italiana do estudante e também das suas motivações e necessidades, um nosso professor de italiano, especializado no ensino do italiano aos estrangeiros, levará o aluno ao desenvolvimento de todas as competências linguisticas e culturais necessárias. Com base no nível do seu conhecimento da lingua e segundo os seus objetivos, o professor pode fazer atividades adatas e úteis aos objetivos pré-fixados.

O curso é administrado em Pisa ou em Viareggio.

As aulas são organizadas segundo a disponiblidade dos estudantes.

“IP” Cursos individuais almoçando com o professor
Você quer melhorar as tuas capacidade de conversação em italiano?

Pensamos em um método inovador e prazeroso que possa integrar as horas de lição convencional.

A cada dia de curso, duas horas de conversação são feitas nos restaurantes convencionados com a escola.

Durante essas horas, o professor propõe conversações dirigidas e ao mesmo tempo “naturais” em modo de permitir ao estudante uma agradável prática da lingua.

Depois de um cuidadoso teste de avaliação do conhecimento inicial da língua italiana do estudante e também das suas motivações e necessidades, um nosso professor de italiano, especializado no ensino do italiano aos estrangeiros, levará o aluno ao desenvolvimento de todas as competências linguisticas e culturais necessárias.

Com base no nível do seu conhecimento da lingua e segundo os seus objetivos, o professor pode fazer atividades adatas e úteis aos objetivos pré-fixados.

O curso é administrado em Pisa ou em Viareggio.

As aulas são organizadas segundo a disponibilidade do estudante.

Um curso organizado sob medida para aqueles que querem aproveitar ao máximo os breves periodos de tempo disponíveis, onde é
desenvolvido um programa personalizado, completamente baseado nas exigências específicas de trabalho e de estudo do aluno. O curso é
realizado nas cidades de Pisa e Viareggio. 20/30/40 horas por semana, 4/6/8 horas/aula por dia.
Horário: à escolha do estudante. Data de início: Livre

Tópicos do curso

Escuta, fala, pronúncia, leitura, escrita, vocabulário, gramática e activités

Horário da aula

Duração do curso
1-48 semanas
Datas de começo
Todas as Segundas-feiras
Aulas por semana
10 lessons per week (cada aula dura 60 min)
Dias da aula
segunda-feira - sexta-feira
Férias da escola
21 abr 2025, 01 mai 2025, 15 ago 2025, 21 dez 2025 - 09 jan 2026

Horário das aulas

You can choose from the following class times:

Outra sessão
09:00 - 18:00

O horário da turma pode mudar dependendo da disponibilidade e da época.

Nível da aula

Todos os níveis, iniciantes a avançados
Irá realizar um exame de colocação no seu primeiro dia para determinar o seu nível da sua sala. Você também pode fazer este teste antes da sua chegada em Pisa.

Dimensão da turma

Médio 1 estudante
Máximo 1 estudante

Idade do estudante

Variedade de idades 6 anos de idade e mais velho
Médio 23 anos
(21 no verão)


Um certificado de conclusão será emitido no final do curso.
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  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 1/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 2/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 3/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 4/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 5/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 6/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 7/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 8/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 9/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 10/47
  • Day trip to Cinque Terre 11/47
  • Day trip to Cinque Terre 12/47
  • Weekly film club 13/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 14/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 15/47
  • Sala de computadores na Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 16/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 17/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 18/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 19/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 20/47
  • Entrada para a Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 21/47
  • Day trip in Vinci 22/47
  • Day trip to Marina di Pisa 23/47
  • Recepção da Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 24/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 25/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 26/47
  • City of Pisa 27/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 28/47
  • Professores e Funcionários na Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 29/47
  • Estudantes de Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 30/47
  • Estudantes de Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 31/47
  • Estudantes de Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 32/47
  • Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 33/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 34/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 35/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 36/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 37/47
  • Classes at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 38/47
  • cooking lesson 39/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 40/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 41/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 42/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 43/47
  • Sala de aula na Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 44/47
  • Estudantes de Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 45/47
  • Estudantes de Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 46/47
  • Atividades oferecidas pela Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo 47/47


91% recommendar

com base em 22 avaliações
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela
Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola

"Learned a lot, the teachers are very good, I had a great time"

Hans Gelke, estudante de Suíça

The classes were small. The teachers were competent and friendly. There were a lot of exercises and grammar. The location was good.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
18 Nov 2024 - 22 Nov 2024
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"Sehr engagierte Lehrerinnen"

Astrid Plaumann, estudante de Alemanha

Ich hätte mir mehr DiDifferenzierung in der Schulklasse in Bezug auf den Wissenstand gewünscht

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
3 semanas
Data de estudo
11 Sep 2023 - 6 Oct 2023
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"Interesting experience in bad premises"

Liv Gudrun Rye Imislund, estudante de Noruega

In the class we were 7 students, one American, two Mexicans, one Spanish, one Brazilian, one Japanese and me from Norway.
It was very difficult to understand some of the other students, especially the mix of spanish and italian. One of the students was placed at the wrong level, it must have been difficult for her.
The teacher was nice and clever. She saw evryone and got everyone involved.
The location was central, and perfect for me. I arrived with the train from from Pietrasanta every day. Our classroom was terrible. The acoustics were miserable. The room was small with correspondingly little fresh air, we should have had the window open, but it was difficult because of the traffic outside.
Otherwise the facilities were ok.
As an activity I attended a winetasting in Pisa with one of the other teachers, she was very nice. It was a shame that a group of the other studedents only spoke their own mother tongue, in fact, it was quite rude.
I was at the school only one week. It is probably too short to have a full value, but I was inspired to get on with my italian studies in Norway.
Thank you.
Cordiali saluti

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
2 Oct 2023 - 6 Oct 2023
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.


Bent Dalsten, estudante de Dinamarca

I was a little disappointed as there was only one level. Of course I learned some, but overall the level was too high for me.
The teacher spoke too rapidly for me to understand it all, also because of some really poor classrooms with an extremely bad acoustic so I had really problems hearing. I tried to use my hearing aid, but it just made much more noise.

Location very central but I missed a room for a break, a cup of coffee and informal speak with other students. Copies were in bad condition. I did not hear about activities.
I made my own housing via airbnb

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
25 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 2021
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.
Rossana Filippeschi, Director at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo responded to this review.
12 November 2021

Dear Bent!
Thanks for your feedback.
We thank for all the positive reviews we receive but also for the negative ones, which allow us to improve what is possible.
Ours is a small school and all students receive the same attention.
Our teachers are all experienced and speak in a way that makes themselves understood.
At the time of the placement test we immediately understood that you have a hearing problem, as you confirm in your review. We also noticed that you never responded to our greetings and this confirmed the hearing problem as it obviously couldn't be a rudeness issue. For this we have seated you close to the teacher, as far as Covid regulations allow.
About class rooms "poor" is not the right word, considering the cost of a 200sqm apartment in the center of Pisa! I think "simple" is the right word as a School should be in order to avoid to charge students with higher costs.
The classrooms are large and bright, all rooms have air conditioning, computer projector, large new double glazed windows. The bathroom is brand new.
For the break, we give all students a ILM students discount card to use at Bar Gambrinus, a nice café located on the ground floor of the building where the school is located. All the students go there during the break just to socialize.
For leisure time, the school exhibits a leaflet every week, where students must write their name if they want to participate.
Maybe we should have made sure you saw it. I am sorry.
Anyway I hope you could improve your knowledge of Italian and enjoy our nice town.

"The school and teachers are wonderful, perfect. Thank you so much."

Christine Flecq Defours, estudante de França

I am very happy to have passed five weeks in the school, the teachers are very cute and the lessons very interesting, I do progress. Every thing is very nice. My flat is wonderful, Annalisa wonderful.
Thank you for your help, I am happy. The place is so nice. Pisa interesting.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
4 semanas
Data de estudo
6 Jul 2020 - 7 Aug 2020
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.
Rossana Filippeschi, Director at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo responded to this review.
12 November 2021

Dear Christine!
Thank you for your nice feedback!
We consider it our mission to make students happy.
Even if this will not always be possible with everyone, we will continue in this direction and your judgment helps us.
Thanks again and take care!

"Effective education, but no social relationship"

Karen Højland, estudante de Dinamarca

The classes were very sharp and precise, the teacher competent and friendly. We were only 3 persons in the class, and the 2 others had been there for months.
The location was excellent, near the railway station, in the center, optimal.
The classroom had an awful acoustic and there was noise from the aircon. The teacher talked very distinct and loud and was easy to hear, but the 2 other persons were not expected to talk like him, and therefore it could be difficult to hear everything.
There was no common activity at all outside the class.

The housing? You mean the family I lived with?
It was a nice location, difficult to find at first. But I'd have preferred to know, that the lady had 2 dogs inside, one of them was very noisy. Sometimes also at night.
The breakfast I've paid for was very little and sparing: 1 cup of coffee and 1 little cup with yogurt. Basta.
I had to ask for toilet paper!

It was a single and elderly woman,very kind, who had housed students from that school for many years. She talked a lot, was kind of lonely and in doubt what to do with her 3 houses and all material stuff (and money, I guess), but was not interested to listen that much..

Although I was permitted to use the fridge and kitchen, I did not feel welcome to do it.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
17 Jun 2019 - 21 Jun 2019
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"It was instructive and certain teachers were very good and could convey very well."

Thi Phuong Nha Luong, estudante de Alemanha

I find two of my three weeks very instructive, as I had a very good teacher. Unfortunately, there was a change of teachers, which I found very regrettable because the new teacher was much less experienced than the previous one.
I only had 2 hours of one-to-one lessons instead of the 4 lessons, but this was also very good as I was able to respond to my wishes in a very concrete way.
One big criticism, however, is that I did not get a conversation group that matched my level.
Although I could practice my Italian in groups, it was not what the school promised. In addition, the conversation group was significantly larger (more than 5 people), as promised.

All in all, the teachers and the staff were very pleasant and gave her as much as possible to make my stay at the school nice.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
2 semanas
Data de estudo
13 Aug 2018 - 31 Aug 2018
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.
Chiara Polizzy, Front office at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo responded to this review.
26 September 2018

Hello Nha, thank you for your kind words about our school and staff, we work very hard to make sure our students are taken care of and are happy about their experience with us. We are glad that in the end you are happy about your time spent with us, your teachers enjoyed having such a knowledgeable student.

You booked a General Course (GA), which consists of 4 hours of group lessons a day, due to the fact that you have a very high level of Italian (C1) we didn't have a group at the time that was high enough for you. We gave you two hours of one-on-one lessons as per our rules and regulations. We also allowed you to join the highest level group we had during the 2 hour conversation part of their group lessons, in order to orally practice your Italian as well as learn and observe Italian language teaching methods, that could have been useful for you due to your profession. This is not part of our rules and regulations, we did this in order to try to accommodate you, so you would still be doing 4 hours of studying. I'd also like to say that our maximum class size is 10 students, this is also present on our website.

As we said in person, we are sorry about the change in teacher, but your original teacher was meant to teach an off campus course that was booked the previous year. If there had been a way to have you keep the same teacher, we would've made it happen, but it just wasn't possible. All of our teachers are highly trained but we do understand they are different and students have their preferences.

If you are to come back one day, we'd love to talk about specific dates so we can accomodate more to your liking, your high level of Italian. We truly enjoyed having you Nha, thank you once again for choosing us.

"Location central, professional, nice, authentic and interactive teachers"

Michele Amato, estudante de Alemanha

This was a very awesome experience with mixed students member in the class, different and intensive topics, very nice and challenging teachers. The school place is located near by the central station just like the housing. The housing keeper was very gently and polite, I was very impressed.

The only thing which could be better is the clean situation, but acceptable.

AT least I have intensive, nice and welcomed experience. Thanks a lot.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
18 Jun 2018 - 22 Jun 2018
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"Everything was okay."

Brigitte Moik, estudante de Áustria

The staff was very professional and friendly.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
26 Oct 2015 - 30 Oct 2015
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"My study abroad experience is a memory that I will cherish for the rest of my life."

Kimberly Pierre-Paul

My field experience in Italy as a student was exceptional because every feature of the program offered me an aspect of what it meant to be Italian. The class settings were perfect for the occasion, especially in Viareggio where there was a great deal of Italian culture. I would make a suggestion that the teachers re-evaluate the levels in which they may have placed students, though I do not say this from personal experience. I could agree that some students were placed at a higher level than they should have been placed. Despite that opinion, my teacher did a great job accommodating students at any level.

The activities we had were fun, adventurous, and informative, and they complemented the experience. The housing also complemented the experience because I felt like I was staying at an Italian's home rather than a commercial hotel, which I believe could have put me at a disadvantage because I learned so much staying at that particular hotel. Dinner also had a traditional family-themed ambiance that I really connected to.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
4 semanas
Data de estudo
8 Jun 2015 - 8 Jul 2015
Recomendaria esta escola?


Ray Sukhu

Great structure. Professors' feedback helps students. Down to earth learning style. Loved all my teachers. Activities made me feel at home.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
2 semanas
Data de estudo
15 Jun 2015 - 1 Jul 2015
Recomendaria esta escola?

"I would do it again!"

Ariel Skupien, estudante de Estados Unidos

The location is perfect, very close to Pisa Centrale and pleasantly located in Tuscany. The teachers are fun, easy-going, and caring. You get a real family feel while you are there. Don't expect anything special from the facilities; it's run down and small just like most of the other buildings in Italy. However, it still has its charm.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
31 semanas
Data de estudo
1 Sep 2014 - 10 Apr 2015
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"It was very worthwhile to attend the 6-hour-per-week course. It improved my Italian!"

Mogens Graf Plessen

Alessio is a very friendly and patient person, which was very helpful when teaching. The location and facilities were appropriate.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
10 semanas
Data de estudo
18 Nov 2014 - 27 Jan 2015
Recomendaria esta escola?

"For me I don't think I improved but anyway it's not the problem of the teacher, it's only about organisation"

Yehia Abd Alrahman

In the beginning it was nice, then new advanced students started to join the course and of course I got lost. Actually I also don't like the idea of forcing to speak. Usually people speak a language when they feel comfortable and more confident.

I didn't like the textbook and I don't think this is a good way of teaching a new language. It's not about reading very difficult essays and finally you start to guess the answer from the context. For me I would prefer to teach using simple written Italian conversations. Or short and simple stories. Unfortunately I lost my chance to speak Italian.

Anyway, the problem is not about the teacher, the teacher was so nice and in a short time we trusted him. But the problem was with the approach and the organisation. You can't mix different levels and concentrate on the advanced students, this way you lose the other students.

Actually I quit the course when you changed the teacher, because the other teacher concentrated on only one student and totally ignored us.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
32 semanas
Data de estudo
23 Feb 2014 - 10 Oct 2014
Recomendaria esta escola?
Alessio Nesi, Teacher at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo responded to this review.
27 February 2015

Hi Yehia! First I want to thank you for your review, the feedbacks from our students are always for us a source of growth and improvement. Our school uses a method called linguistic-communicative who is considered the most efficient way to learn to write and speak in a language in comparison to other methods considered nowadays outdated, according to modern educational theories. Each student, before starting any course, must take a test to check his level of knowledge; this is because our staff first of all takes care that not occur mix of levels. However we take seriously your impressions and we'll use them in order to provide a better service in the future. We greet you warmly and we hope to have you back soon with us.

"Friendly, competent and motivated staff."

Nanna Frikke, estudante de Dinamarca

The teachers at the Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo are friendly and competent and do their very best to make your stay and classes as comfortable and educational as possible. They also arrange activities outside school so you get to socialise a bit more than you would've otherwise.

The school is located close to the train station - easy to find. The classrooms are a bit small at times but other than that I have nothing negative to say about the school. I had a very pleasant experience and would recommend the school to anyone studying Italian.

I chose a homestay and the family was very friendly and accommodating.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Data de estudo
7 Jul 2014 - 11 Jul 2014
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.

"A great place to learn a language."

Lucie Mostyn, estudante de Itália

I had a great experience at the ILM in Pisa. The teachers and staff were all very helpful and friendly. The classes were small so I had lots of opportunities to practice speaking. The teachers created a good environment so I felt comfortable asking questions if I didn't understand something. It's a relatively small school which makes for a friendly learning atmosphere however, because there were only a limited number of classes if you were finding it hard in one class there was not the opportunity to change classes. They organised trips around Pisa when there was a celebration happening in the city and activities to do with the whole school if you wished to partake.
The location is great; very central, near the station and surrounded by some lovely cafes for a break-time coffee.
I would recommend studying at the Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
9 semanas
Data de estudo
10 Mar 2014 - 16 May 2014
Recomendaria esta escola?
Esta é uma avaliação verificada. O aluno que escreveu a avaliação reservou o curso nesta escola através da Language International.
Alessio Nesi, Teacher. Social Media Editor at Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo responded to this review.
26 February 2015

hi Lucie, thanks for your comment. We are very glad to have had you as our student. See you soon.

"Wonderful experience"

Inessa Maevskaya

Though I had a small holiday course in Viareggio (2013), the time that I spent there was really great. It was my first time in Italy and I got a lot of good memories from that comparatively short period of time. I lived in a nice comfortable apartment with 3 other students from ILM. And it would have been still better if there was a lift in our house and if it wasn't situated so close to the noisy road. What I liked is that it took just about 5 minutes to get to school from the house where our apartment was.
The teachers at school were excellent! I really liked it that besides classes they organized trips to other Tuscan towns, introduced us to the Italian culture, helped us and treated us like friends, which is very important. So we learned outside school as well.
By the way, being a student of ILM allowed us to have a discount at one of the town beaches (what is summer without the sea!) that are normally not very cheap.
I can say that I'm very glad I had chosen ILM as a summer language school and I'd love to go there again. I had a great time there (and I probably would have had even more fun had I stayed longer and come a bit earlier because those 2 weeks were the last before holiday course in Viareggio closed). I certainly improved my Italian even with a light course. GRAZIE, ILM! :)

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
1 semana
Data de estudo
26 Aug 2013 - 6 Sep 2013
Recomendaria esta escola?

"Efficient, funny and friendly"

mehmet kadir ocal

By the first week I felt like I had been studying at your institute for a long time. Nothing bothered or disturbed me. I studied with nice people. My classmates were well-graduated people, meaning I am thinking ILM has a good reputation.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
17 semanas
Data de estudo
1 Jul 2012 - 1 Nov 2012
Recomendaria esta escola?

"I can learn efficiently"

Miyuki Yoshida

The teachers were very patient and the lessons were well- organized. So even though my mother language is far different from Italian I could learn a lot in the short period. They especially explained the grammar patiently until I understood.
I also learned about the Italian culture during the lessons.That was very helpful in order to understand the country and that made my life in Italy comfortable.
The students were very international. The lessons were always unpredictable and were interesting.
But this substance is based on my experience which was in the beginner or intermediate class. The advanced class will be different from that and speaking would be the main thing in the class.
The school is favorably located. It is near the train station and it is convenient to go to the center of the city.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
13 semanas
Data de estudo
2 Sep 2013 - 6 Dec 2013
Recomendaria esta escola?

"Good teacher and I recommend this institution for foreigners like me who have very little knowledge of the Italian language."

Ajay kumar

I liked the way the professor organized the lectures, especially when you are teaching a class who has very little knowledge about the Italian language. Those classes gave enough vocabulary and knowledge to do daily things and get basic information in Italian.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
50 semanas
Data de estudo
5 Mar 2013 - 21 Feb 2014
Recomendaria esta escola?

"It has been an overwhelming experience"

Anastasia Felcher

I have been studying Italian with Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo within my PhD studies at IMT Alti Studi Lucca.

I had two language instructors, Ida and Alessio Nessi, who both have been engaging and inspiring.

I took classes within the facilities of my PhD school in Lucca and the instructors from SLM have always been arriving to classes on time and are prepared.

Thanks to SLM, I felt much more comfortable in Italy as I mastered the basics of Italian language.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
65 semanas
Data de estudo
1 Apr 2012 - 1 Jul 2013
Recomendaria esta escola?


Alfonso Curreri

Die Schule wird von vielen jungen Menschen aus Europa besucht. Die Zimmer sind sehr professionell und Lehren sind relevant für den gewählten Kurs.
Die Lehrer sind sehr gut vorbereitet.

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As minhas avaliações para esta escola

Qualidade de ensino
Instalações escolares
Actividades sociais
Localização da escola
Duração do estudo
30 semanas
Data de estudo
1 Jan 2013 - 1 Aug 2013
Recomendaria esta escola?


A ILM oferece os seguintes tipos de alojamento:

Homestay - Single-person room - Café da manhã

215 €

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast

Variedade de idades: 16 anos de idade e mais velho
Local: In the city center of Pisa
Tipo de alojamento: Homestay
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Café da manhã (7 refeições por semana)
Instalações: Tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, sala de TV, aquecimento, e jardim
Distância à escola: 5 - 20 minutos por walk
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, depois de 01:00
Dia da partida: sábado, antes de 10:00
215 €
A hospedagem em casas de família não é permitido o uso da cozinha. Em caso de necessidade é aconselhável perguntar antesà familia.
• No preço está incluído a limpeza e a troca semanal dos lençóis.
• Quase todas as familias italianas têm animais de estimação. Se o estudante tem alergias deverá avisar a escola no momento da inscrição.

Apartamento - Single-person room - Sem refeições

190 €

Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Variedade de idades: 16 anos de idade e mais velho
Local: In the city center of Pisa
Tipo de alojamento: Apartamento compartilhado
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Sem refeições
Instalações: Cozinha, tavanderia, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, sala de TV, e aquecimento
Distância à escola: 5 - 20 minutos por walk
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, depois de 01:00
Dia da partida: sábado, antes de 10:00
190 €
• Em Pisa, geralmente os proprietários oferecem os lençóis com troca semanal à disposição dos alunos.
• Em Viareggio deve-se contatar antecipadamente o proprietário para saber se deve ou não trazer os próprios lençóis.
• As toalhas de banho não são fornecidas.
• O quarto é entregue limpo. Não é efetuado limpeza diária e o estudante deve entregar o quarto limpo, assim como o encontrou quando chegou.

Hotel - Single-person room - Café da manhã

490 €

Hotel - Single-person room - Breakfast

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Tipo de alojamento: Hotel
Tipo de quarto: Single-person room
Plano de refeições: Café da manhã (7 refeições por semana)
Instalações: Banheiro privado, tavanderia, telefone, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, sala de TV, ar condicionado, e aquecimento
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, depois de 05:00
Dia da partida: sábado, antes de 10:00
490 €
A nossa secretaria pode também reservar um quarto em um hotel ou em uma pensão. A escola oferece preços especiais em hoteis de 3 estrelas,
tanto em Pisa como em Viareggio.Mas tambem pode procurar acomodações em outras categorias ,mediante solicitação.

Os preços são calculados por pessoa e por tipo de quarto em hoteis 3 o 2 estrelas. Banheiro e café da manhã estão incluídos no preço

Hotel - quarto compartilhado para 2-pessoas  - Café da manhã

560 €

Hotel - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together

Variedade de idades: 18 anos de idade e mais velho
Tipo de alojamento: Hotel
Tipo de quarto: quarto compartilhado para 2-pessoas 
Plano de refeições: Café da manhã (7 refeições por semana)
Instalações: Banheiro privado, tavanderia, telefone, internet Wi-Fi, internet gratuita, sala de TV, ar condicionado, e aquecimento
Disponibilidade: janeiro - dezembro
Dia da chegada: domingo, depois de 05:00
Dia da partida: sábado, antes de 10:00
Restrições: 2 alunos devem se registrar junto
560 €
A nossa secretaria pode também reservar um quarto em um hotel ou em uma pensão. A escola oferece preços especiais em hoteis de 3 estrelas,
tanto em Pisa como em Viareggio.Mas tambem pode procurar acomodações em outras categorias ,mediante solicitação.

Os preços são calculados por pessoa e por tipo de quarto em hoteis 3 o 2 estrelas. Banheiro e café da manhã estão incluídos no preço

Apoio para o visto

Não podemos solicitar vistos em nome dos estudantes. Contudo, a escola pode fornecer-lhe toda a documentação de que precisa para ajudar na solicitação do seu visto.

A sua carta de aceitação será enviada à sua residência a por correio normal sem nenhum custo para si. Se deseja receber o seu formulário por correio expresso, terá de pagar 50 € quando se inscrever.

Voos e transferência de aeroporto

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Pisa based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Seguro de viagem

Estude no exterior sem preocupações com a cobertura de seguro de saúde e objectos pessoais da Language International. Quando reserva um curso conosco, pode optar por adquirir um plano de seguro internacional que cobre não só os seus cuidados de saúde mas também a perda dos seus bens pessoais. Tem de reservar o seu seguro com antecedência quando se inscreve.

Aprender mais sobre o nosso plano de seguro »

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Tem duvidas? Os funcionários de Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo, nossos conselheiros, e os outros alunos respondem rápido às suas perguntas.

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